To provide elementary students with a high quality and student-centered education in a safe, nurturing, and challenging environment so that all students achieve their highest level of academic success.
The vision of Ocean Academy Charter School is an educational environment that supports student engagement and empowers all students to identify and utilize their own abilities and gifts.
We will build a school community where the needs of the whole child— social, emotional, intellectual, and physical— are being met. In this positive learning environment, your child will thrive.

Welcome to Ocean Academy Charter School!

Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Service Plan
for Ocean Academy Charter School
ARP Use of Funds Plan

A beautiful vista of our school building that was completed in time for the 2020-2021 School Year!
OACS: LEA Educational Stability Liaison
Mrs. Valarie Smith
Anti-Bullying Coordinator (ABC)
Lorna Hassel
1650 Massachusetts Avenue
Lakewood, New Jersey 08701
Anti-Bullying Specialist (ABS)
Lu-Ann Cirone (K-8th) & Oscar Orellana (9th)
1650 Massachusetts Avenue
Lakewood, New Jersey 08701
Lu-ann.Cirone@oceanacademycs.org & Oscar.Orellana@oceanacademycs.org
HIB Report: Ocean Academy Charter School received a school grade of 75 as determined under the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act for 2021-2022

Has your family experienced a loss of housing due to a natural disaster, such as a hurricane, flood, fire, or other disaster?
Are your children temporarily staying in any of the following situations because of the disaster?
someone else’s house or apartment due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason?
a hotel or motel?
a shelter?
a car, park, campground, abandoned building, or other inadequate space?
If the answers to the questions above are yes, your children have educational rights under federal law (the McKinney-Vento Act):
CLICK HERE for information
Ocean Academy Charter School is a free, open-enrollment public school that is required by law to serve all students. Ocean Academy Charter School is open to all students on a space available basis and shall not discriminate in their admission policies or practices based on intellectual or athletic ability, measures of achievement or aptitude, special education status, proficiency in the English language, or any other basis that would be illegal if used by a public school district.